And in close up:

Here's the delta between fuel-corrected laptimes of VET, ALO and BUT compared to the current leader of the lap:

set title 'F1 2011 Monaco: Laptime Delta Compared to Leader (VET,ALO,BUT)'
d1n="VET fuelcorrected"
d2n="ALO fuelcorrected"
d3n="HAM fuelcorrected"
set xrange [0:90]
set yrange [-10:15]
plot srcfile using ($4==driver && $2==1? $3:1/0):typ with lines lc rgb col1 title d1n,srcfile using ($4==driver && $2==2? $3:1/0):typ with lines lc rgb col1 title d1n,srcfile using ($4==driver && $2==3? $3:1/0):typ with lines lc rgb col1 title d1n,srcfile using ($4==driver && $2==4? $3:1/0):typ with lines lc rgb col1 title d1n,srcfile using ($4==driver && $2==5? $3:1/0):typ with lines lc rgb col1 title d1n,srcfile using ($4==driver2 && $2==1? $3:1/0):typ with lines lc rgb col2 title d2n,srcfile using ($4==driver2 && $2==2? $3:1/0):typ with lines lc rgb col2 title d2n,srcfile using ($4==driver2 && $2==3? $3:1/0):typ with lines lc rgb col2 title d2n,srcfile using ($4==driver2 && $2==4? $3:1/0):typ with lines lc rgb col2 title d2n,srcfile using ($4==driver2 && $2==5? $3:1/0):typ with lines lc rgb col2 title d2n,srcfile using ($4==driver3 && $2==1? $3:1/0):typ with lines lc rgb col3 title d3n,srcfile using ($4==driver3 && $2==2? $3:1/0):typ with lines lc rgb col3 title d3n,srcfile using ($4==driver3 && $2==3? $3:1/0):typ with lines lc rgb col3 title d3n,srcfile using ($4==driver3 && $2==4? $3:1/0):typ with lines lc rgb col3 title d3n,srcfile using ($4==driver3 && $2==5? $3:1/0):typ with lines lc rgb col3 title d3n
ReplyDeletePlease can you explain it more? what is the horizental and vertical lines?
@John In the top two graphs, the x-axis is lap number, the y-axis is fuel corrected laptime in seconds (as explained here: http://f1datajunkie.blogspot.com/2011/05/f1-2011-turkey-race-fuel-corrected.html )
ReplyDeleteIn the chart at the bottom, the x-axis is lap number and the y-axis is calculated according to:
driver's laptime - raceleader's laptime
If the line is above the x-axis, the leader had a faster laptime on that lap; if the line goes below the x-axis, the driver had a faster lap than the leader. If the driver is the leader, the line is on the x-axis (zero difference in time).
ReplyDeleteI am new to these Kind of graphs what do you mean by "Fuel corrected lap times" ?
Thanks !
@John - check out the post at:
It explains the notion of fuel corrected laptimes, with illustrations. Main idea is that fuel has mass that slows the car down; as the car uses up fuel it goes faster (carrying less mass); fuel corrected times subtract the notional time penalty arising from lugging fuel around from the actual laptime.