First up, I had a dabble with the new Pivot table facility in Google Spreadsheets to create a couple of charts showing the laps in each stint by driver, and the duration of each stint (howto: Reshaping Your Data – Pivot Tables in Google Spreadsheets ). Here are the times by stint:

This is obviously just a quick sketch, but it gives an idea of a chart type around this data view.
The second thing I've been looking at is a variant of the race history chart in which we plot the time between each driver and the lead car on track, rather than the overall time to the leader:

Again, this is just a rough sketch, but it does have a few nice features. Can you spot, for example:
a) when the lead car pits?
b) when a car is lapped?
c) when a car unlaps itself?
I'm going to try to formalise the features describing these events (they're all visible in the above chart...) as part of an automated race review commentary generator... hopefully... err.. maybe...;-)
The gnuplot command I used for the "race as it appeared on track" chart was of the form:
set term x11
set datafile separator ","
plot srcfile using ($2=='1'?$5:1/0):(-$4) w l,srcfile using ($2=='2' ? $5:1/0):(-$4) w l,srcfile using ($2=='3' ? $5:1/0):(-$4) w l,srcfile using ($2=='4' ? $5:1/0):(-$4) w l, srcfile using ($2=='5' ? $5:1/0):(-$4) w l,srcfile using ($2=='5' ? $5:1/0):(-$4) w l,srcfile using ($2=='7' ? $5:1/0):(-$4) w l,srcfile using ($2=='8' ? $5:1/0):(-$4) w l,srcfile using ($2=='9'?$5:1/0):(-$4) w l,srcfile using ($2=='10' ? $5:1/0):(-$4) w l,srcfile using ($2=='11' ? $5:1/0):(-$4) w l,srcfile using ($2=='12' ? $5:1/0):(-$4) w l, srcfile using ($2=='14' ? $5:1/0):(-$4) w l,srcfile using ($2=='15' ? $5:1/0):(-$4) w l,srcfile using ($2=='16' ? $5:1/0):(-$4) w l,srcfile using ($2=='17' ? $5:1/0):(-$4) w l,srcfile using ($2=='18'?$5:1/0):(-$4) w l,srcfile using ($2=='19' ? $5:1/0):(-$4) w l,srcfile using ($2=='20' ? $5:1/0):(-$4) w l,srcfile using ($2=='21' ? $5:1/0):(-$4) w l, srcfile using ($2=='22' ? $5:1/0):(-$4) w l,srcfile using ($2=='23' ? $5:1/0):(-$4) w l,srcfile using ($2=='24' ? $5:1/0):(-$4) w l,srcfile using ($2=='25' ? $5:1/0):(-$4) w l
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