Sunday, June 10, 2012

F1 2012 Canada Race Summary

Summary charts for the 2012 Formula One Canadian Grand Prix

Race Summary Chart (grid: blue circle, end of lap 1: +, final position, red spot):

Position SUmmary Chart - number of laps for which each car was in each race position

Race History Chart

(I need to reorder the legend to final race classification order?)

Race history charts broken down by team:

Race position summaries, by team

Pit stop summary

Cumulative pit stop times per driver

Pit stop strategies

For R source code used to generate these charts, see Cloudstat: F1 Race Stats

See also: F1 2012 Canada Qualifying - Summary


  1. I like the race position summaries by team chart because it makes it easy to compare relative performances at a glance. The pit stop strategies one intrigues me. I know McLaren claimed that they went with plan A with Hamilton but I'm wondering if they might have been going with plan B because Hamilton's second stop is weirdly out of position in comparison with all the other plain 2 stoppers.

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